Scripture Reading - 1 Peter 5:3 KJV

Neither as being lords over God's heritage, but being ensamples to the flock.

There are various types of leaders in the world today, some are business leaders while others are family leaders, there are sport leaders and yet educational leaders including those representing the Kingdom of God, know as “Ministry Leaders”. We must make the clear distinction between secular business leaders and Christian leadership not so much because they are completely different but mainly because their purpose is different. What we (ihlcc) are talking about is money. Generally, those in industry are driven to make a profit for their company, this is only reasonable because profits help shareholders, employees and all levels of management. Thus they are positioned and persuaded to create and effectively maintain all sources of revenue. This is not true for the minister of God because money is not the key issue with believers. As Children of God we have a distinct advantage knowing that our God owns the cattle of a thousand hills and streets of Heaven are paved with pure gold. This means financial gain is good but it is never to be mistaken with the primary purpose of an Apostle, Prophet, Pastor, Evangelist or Teacher. As we noticed in the above verse ministers of God are to lead the flock of God (His beloved children) by example. This means that every saint of God should only (yes, we repeat only) follow a man or woman of God they believe is headed in the right direction. It seems that God has given favor to His Called ministers that draws people unto them. Once the people come close enough to the minister of God they should be able to see the Light of God’s Love displayed in that individual, if they don’t see it (or sense it) there is a problem. We (ihlcc) don’t write these articles to favor preachers because that would be a respecters of persons, we simply state the truth with the expectation that all truly called men and women of God that are serving as leaders would lead people through demonstrations of love and godly precepts. However, we are definitely not ignorant to the fact that all Christian leaders are not walking in God’s Love with their people. We (ihlcc) believe, “If you can’t openly love the sinner in public you don’t privately love the saint inside the doors of the church”. This is where the term lead by example is so important because we will tell you if the leader doesn’t have an overflow of God’s Sweet (Agape) Love in their heart there is absolutely no way they are going to love others like God. Yes, there are a lot of things that accompany good leadership besides love but since love includes all the fruit of the Spirit it is thee essential foundation to build upon. We have seen some ministers for hire that allow money to be their motivation instead of love but those ministers will be judged by God so we hope that through the sheer mercy of God they will repent to receive forgiveness for their sins and continue onward and upward with God. We know that no man is perfect (except Jesus) and that is why love judges not but rather thinks no evil of anyone. We all know that only those disciples who walk in love are considered as a part of Jesus’ family, so this truth must also resonate in the hearts and minds of God’s leaders. “Ministry Leadership” is so vitally important to the operation of God’s Church we (ihlcc) thought it good to share a touch of truth on what motivates God’s Leaders. Yes, God’s own heart is what motivates His chosen leader and that is why we (ihlcc) firmly believe if you are not called to be a true leader of God you never will be one by accident, nor can you accomplish this task through extensive training. Certainly wisdom dictates, “You can’t be something that you are not!” Which means you can not be an effective faithful leader of God if the Leadership Ministry of Jesus is not operating in your own everyday life. The Lord Jesus Christ received His personal training from God the Father. Likewise, we must receive our ministry training from Jesus Christ Himself, no other substitute will do. It is not that other leaders can’t help you because they can but for sure other ministers can’t grow you up and make you mature only your personal (trainer, counselor) Lord Jesus can do that. Remember it is not all about what you know as a leader but rather who you know as your personal leader, so that you may follow Him as He follows God, the Father unto all Glory through the Grace of Jesus Christ. Amen.